Collaborative Robotics and repeated Stress Tests

Collaborative Robotics and repeated Stress Tests

Innovative predictive test system to check the durability of finished products (leather goods and clothing) and to check the resistance of accessories to repeated stress tests.


Predictive durability tests on finished products (leather goods and clothing) performed with traditional methods (e.g., usage tests for new models of bags and accessories for leather goods manufacturers), have very long performance times.

Checks of resistance to repeated stress on metal and plastic accessories used in the fashion industry (e.g., bag fastenings, tuck locks, clips, etc.) are essential in evaluating the possible use of these types of accessory

The TIL laboratory with its innovative test bench, complete with two collaborative robots, is able to perform usage tests for leather goods and clothing, and it is able to enormously accelerate test times for checking the durability of finished items.

The “ART-Bench” (Accessories Reciprocal Test-Bench), with its reciprocating pistons, complete with loading cells, makes it possible to perform tests on the resistance to repeated stress on metal and plastic accessories used for fashion items.
